sights seen

Like any responsible tourist, I did my fair share of sight seeing while I was in Matsushima.
These are my crappy tourist shots.
(Kent, I hope you never see this. If you do, you have every right to be disappointed in me. When I get in tourist mode, it's like I forget everything I ever learned in photo. I have no one to blame but myself.)
Sassy Statue

Him (her?) with his sarcasm, and me with my lameness to provide him with all the material he needs to tease me.

aaaaand. . . MORE CAVES!!!

The caves were my favorite tourist attraction. The monks dug these into the rock to make small areas to meditate in. In reminded me of being a kid hiding in a closet, or building a fort to be alone with my thoughts. There's something that feels good about being in a small place all to yourself.
This minivan must belong to the toughest soccer mom ever.
I bet they win all their games, and that she gives them lemon wedges instead of oranges and tells them to just deal with it.

This, is a pond.

Which was next to this rock garden.

Which is where I saw this tree.

I felt sorry for this poor, unfortunate tree. I wonder what happened to it that made it end up in a full body cast on crutches.
One of many bridges over the bay

And this is me, in front of a bridge over the bay.