
An Ode to the Three Day Week End

Chrono, logically.

The weekend started off with a bang at the Final Fantasy Friday (Free) screening of Baron Munchausen.

An early morning bike ride to breakfast at the Chicago Diner (Splitting vegan biscuits and gravy, and eggs benedict with my Love, and washing it all down with bottomless yerba mate. Oh, and free vegan corn muffins. In a Word: deeeeeelicious.) Catching the tail end of a twenty-four hour art/print making lock-in. Doodling on tracing paper while indulging in captivating convos with quality individuals. An afternoon swim in the community pool. Soggy seats and talking, talking, talking with our new friend in his home. Making dinner and laughing the night away.

Working on Sunday. More swimming. Riding up to Sultan’s for the best falafel sandwich four dollars can buy. Riding over to see none other than Mr. Ornette Coleman perform for free, from fantastic seats. Riding up the lake shore to see the fabulous Jon Jameson and his band of merry music men (Also Known As: Delta Spirit) play sweet tunes to an adoring audience.

A trip to Starved Rock. A lovely picnic followed by a long and lovelier hike. Burritos, Mexican hot chocolate, and a movie.

It’s safe to say: Life is Good.