Nikko is Nippon

Last Sunday, my friend Lynett and I went hiking in Nikko.

Lynett also works for the Jet Programme, and our apartments are only a five minute bike ride appart.
(Credit where credit is due: All photos of myself were taken by Lynett.)

Before we started our hike, we checked out the lovely waterfall, whose name escapes me.

Oooooooooooo. . . Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!
Believe you me, this photo doesn't do it justice.
Right now, Nikko is in it's peak leaf changing season (Which also has a name that I can't seem to remember at 3 in the morning. Maybe I should have put my blogging off until I had some decent sleep. . . ) Everything was covered in leaves of red, orange and gold. It was AMAAAAAAAZING! And I am not just saying that because I always do.

After the hour or so hike up the mountain, we took a look around. . .

(Doesn't everyone wear a skirt when they go hiking?)
. . .and then we had a coffee break.

Here I am going to take a little moment to introduce you to my friend Lynett.
She's Canadian. She's a wonderful, down to earth person, with a really funny, sarcastic side. She used to work at an aquarium and I like listening to her stories about animals that live in water. She's great. You wish YOU knew her in real life. I am very, very lucky.

This bridge is famous. . .

. . .but not very useful. No one is allowed to walk on it yet.
Monkey boogers anyone?

No thanks. I don't think they're vegan.
I forget, does the 7 Eleven at home carry tiny bottles of magic health elixers?

I know we don't have these. . .

This was a cross between yaki onigiri and dango. . . and it was de-licious.
Lynett and I ended our amazing day at one of my favorite restaurants.

The food is good, the little old lady that runs it is awesome but the atmosphere takes the cake.

The walls and parts of the ceiling are covered with all sorts of things left behind by customers who felt compelled to make their own personal mark.

Can you find what I left behind here a year ago?

This is a picture of me as a man. . . with really bad hat hair.
(Yet I still put it on the internet, at least you know I have nothing to hide)
"The aromatic scent of cocoa will give you a refreshment and a hearty satisfaction."

Canned hot beverages at vending machines on every corner.
That and really bad English are two of my favorite things about Japan.

canned hot beverages! who could ask for more?
Oh little udon house, where I was schooled in the art of big noodle slurping.
Your button's on the wall!
Good memories and good eye, Andy B.
I wear skirts on hikes.
Haha - that restaurant with all the notes on the wall is my favourite japanese food restaurant in the whole of Japan!
as much as i loved every can of hot red-bean drink, i could never make it more than about halfway. something about the actual physical sensation of teeth rotting just grosses me out.
i remember that hiking outfit! if i do say so, thats the outift that was a shining beacon of light to a very cold, very VERY tired, and very confused cameron somewhere late at night at ikebukuro-eki...when i realized with dread that there was more than one exit from the JR line, and that those feisty japanese payphones had eaten my last coins.
Come home - now -PLEASE :(
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